News & Reports
Increase in demand for "General/HR/Legal" personnel as the manufacturing industry expands overseas.
Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio for March 2015: 1.05
The operators of bilingual job board, Daijob Global Recruiting Co.,Ltd, have created a summary of the Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio for the end of February 2015. The Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio is a calculation of the supply-demand balance between job openings which require business conversation level in at least 2 languages and the number of job-seekers who are equipped with that ability (No. of Job Openings / No. of Job Seekers). A high ratio indicates that there is a high number of jobs available for a low number of job-seekers.
◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Occupation
The highest ratio by occupation for March was "General/HR/Legal" at 4.96, an increase of 2.45 over the previous month. This was followed by "Assets/Real Estate Assets/Real Estate" at 4.00, an increase of 2.75 points, and "Finance/Accounting" at 2.81, a decrease of 0.42 points.
Throughout 2014FY, the occupation category "General/HR/Legal" consistently had a high ratio. A closer look at the industry of these positions reveals that in March 2015, 42% were in manufacturing. According to the "2014 Company Behaviour Survey" issued by the Cabinet Office, an increasing number of manufacturers have been setting up overseas, with a 73% increase expected by 2019. With this increasing number of overseas operations, there must also be an accompanying requirement for bilingual back office staff that may have led to an increase in the ratio.
◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Industry
After increasing by 1.24 points, the "Construction/Real Estate/Leasing" industry has the highest ratio at 1.81. This was followed by "Manufacturing" at 1.70 after an increase of 0.12, and "Finance/Insurance" at 1.49 after a decrease of 0.30 points.
Between February and March 2015, the global job openings to job-seekers ratio has increased from 0.96 to 1.05. In 2014, the ratio steadily increased from February to July, so we expect to see the same trend in 2015.
For a more detailed report, please click here (Japanese only) → 2015年3月度グローバル転職求人倍率