
We can help corporations in finding bilingual talent registered on to meet their hiring requirements.
Website for hiring bilinguals and global candidates. “”
Since opened its proverbial doors in 1998 in Japan, it has since become a jobsite specializing in bilingual talent used in 27 countries including China as well as nations located in North America and Europe. After our creation, we are valued highly for our reliability and track record by over 3,270 companies which we have helped to fulfill their bilingual talent staffing needs. By offering in Japanese and English, your company will be able to leverage our strengths in your recruitment strategy.
New jobsite for Japanese jobs outside Japan. “Working Abroad”
”Working Abroad” has been launched in order to link companies to job-seekers with a strong desire to work overseas.
The site, online from April 2014, also satisfies a growing demand for non-Japanese people who understand Japanese culture and business practices and also have experience studying or working in Japan, in addition to the increasing need for Japanese people who can communicate effectively with people on site in other countries.
If you're looking for globally-minded professionals wanting to work outsideJapan, ”Working Abroad” is where you need to be. Our battle-ready job-seekers are perfect for your global expansion plan.Working Abroad
Operation of global IT job board “Working Abroad Worldwide”
Seeing the amount of IT & tech specialists decreasing in many countries globally, we launched Working Abroad Worldwide to match companies looking for tech talent with high-skilled specialists that are looking for a challenge abroad. Companies can publish their job ads globally and reach new markets of job seekers.
Participation in international job board platform “The Network”
Companies looking to hire locally outside of Japan can now benefit from our partnership with global job board platform The Network. As their sole partner in Japan, Daijob now supports your recruiting needs across the globe, representing 60 job boards in 140 countries. Get access to local candidates with Daijob as your single point of contact.
Meet job-seekers willing to change their career directly! “Daijob Career Fair”
This is a global careers fair organized by Daijob which offers the opportunity to communicate closely with job-seekers who possess a strong desire to change or launch their career. Your company may also take this chance to further your recruitment branding.
Daijob Career Fair:
Hello Japan
Job hunting website for recruiting Specific Skilled Workers in Japan「Hello Japan」
Established in December 2021, Hello Japan is a job hunting website that aims to connect Specific Skilled Workers who want to work in Japan with companies that are actively seeking these foreign professionals. Prospective companies looking to recruit on Hello Japan may be delighted to learn that Hello Japan works on a success contigency basis and does not charge for simply posting a job listing.
Direct recruiting is also one of the options provided on the site, therefore companies have the option of streamlining or expanding their recruitment process as much as desired. The site name 「Hello Japan」is derived from the vision of "Encountering new merits, new horizons, and a new you in Japan".
Information community for HR representatives of global companies. “HRClub”
Daijob HR Club was founded with the intention of providing an information and communication spot about human resources. Available information includes a column about personnel affairs and details of seminars in addition to reports pertaining job-seeker and job marketplace trends.
Currently Recruiting Partners