Daijob Global Recruiting Co., Ltd. | Working as a Bilingual Professional – Relationships and Leisure Time

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Working as a Bilingual Professional – Relationships and Leisure Time

44% of global professionals have over 21 friends of a foreign nationality.

An investigation by Daijob.com, one of the largest bilingual recruitment websites in Japan with over 430,000 users.44% of global professionals have over 21 friends of a foreign nationality.Daijob used its extensive user database to conduct a survey entitled “An Investigation into the relationships and hobbies of bilingual professionals”.

◆【Investigation Outline】

■Objective:To understand the nature of relationships and hobbies of bilingual
■Time Period:2014/7/8 – 2014/8/1
■Respondents:Some recipients of the Daijob.com Newsletter:190,000 readers
■Response method:One-click voting in the Daijob.com Newsletter
■No. of answers:Please refer to the questions below.

◆【Investigation Results】

How many days did you go travelling for last year? (Domestic or international)
25% of respondents travelled for over 21 days during 2013

When asked “How many days did you go travelling for last year?”, 26% of respondents said “0 days”, 18% said “11-20 days”, 16% said “1-5 days” and another 16% said “over 31 days”. While the results were varied, over half of our global professionals travelled for over 6 days. This is big difference to the 2013 Japanese average of 3.36.

No. of respondents: 148, one answer only
(Calculation method: Japanese average no. of trips per year: 1.43 x Japanese average number of nights per trip: 2.35, source: Sightseeing Office of Japan: Sightseeing in 2013)

What do you do on your days off?
25% of respondents said they spend time with family, friends and loved ones.

When we asked our users how they spend time off, 19% of respondents said they watch TV at home (incl. Films). This was followed by “indoor/outdoor sports” at 16% and “spending time with family” at 15%. The remaining half of respondents said that they “spend time with loved ones”, “go out alone” or “do nothing in particular”.

No. of respondents: 134, one answer only

What SNS do you us most?
99% of respondents used SNS and a massive 82% used Facebook.

In our one-answer-only survey, 82% of respondents said that Facebook was the SNS they most used. This was followed by “LinkedIn” at 4%, and “Instagram”, “Youtube” and “MySpace” at 3% each. The 99% of Daijob users that use SNS was much higher than the national average of 57.1% observed by “An investigation into usage of time and information in media” by the National Office of Telecommunications.

No. of respondents: 251, one answer only

Do you have any friends of a different nationality to your own?
96% of respondents had at least one friend

The top response was “over 21 friends” at 44%, while 21% said “5-10 friends” and 16% said “11-20 friends”. Many of Daijob's users have experience studying or working abroad, which is thought to be the main reason for their responses.

No. of respondents: 300, one answer only


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