Job openings in Electrical Engineering (Sales Engineer/Service Engineer) ・・・

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Job openings in Electrical Engineering (Sales Engineer/Service Engineer) and in Finance/Accounting, (Certified Public Accountant /Tax Accountant) hit highest rates since August 2013.

**The March 2017 global job-opening-to-application ratio is 1.35**

 Daijob Global Recruiting Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Human Holdings Co., Ltd. headed by Mr. Yuji Shinohara, has summarized the Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio of March 2017.
※The Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio is a calculation of the supply-demand balance between job openings which require business conversation level in at least 2 languages and the number of job-seekers who are equipped with that ability (No. of Job Openings / No. of Job Seekers). A high ratio indicates that there is a high number of jobs available for a low number of job-seekers.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Occupation

The March 2017 Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Occupation

 Looking at the March global job-opening-to-application ratios by job category, Electronics (Electricity, Appliance, Semi-conductor) had the highest ratio, a 9.20 point rise from the previous month, reaching a high of 10.67. This high ratio is a result of job openings having increased to 156% of the previous month’s rate and job applicants having decreased to 21% of that of the previous month. Particularly, job openings for Sales Engineer/Service Engineer increased to 141% of the the previous month’s rate, resulting in the highest number of job openings since August 2013. With the second-highest ratio, Medical/Pharmaceutical/Bioengineering/Materials/Food Technology had a 0.75 point rise to 6.88, as a result of the number of job openings having increased to 112% of that of the previous month. With the third-highest ratio, Tax/Accounting had a 4.08 point rise to 6.06. This climb is considered to be a result of job openings having increased to 133% of the previous month’s rate while applicants decreased to 43% of that of the previous month. Especially noteworthy, the number of job openings in Accounting/Tax Accounting is at its highest since August 2013.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Industry

The March 2017 Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Industry

 Looking at the global job-opening-to-application ratio by industry, the same industries continue to remain the top-three from the previous month. The highest ratio remains Electric Utlilties, Gas, Heating, Water Supply, although it dropped 6.0 points to 4.0 due to having decreased to 40% of that of the previous month’s rate of job openings and a leveling off of job applicants. To continue, Manufacturing had a 1.73 point rise to 3.79, which is considered to be the result of job openings having increased to 124% of the previous month’s rate and job applicants decreasing to 67% of that of the previous month. Manufacturing has been in the TOP 3 for the last seven consecutive months, since September of last year. The ratio for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries had a 0.31 point drop to 3.27. Although the number of job openings and applicants both decreased from the previous month, the demand/supply balance of job openings to job applicants kept the ratio high in this industry.


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