Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers Ratio of June 2016

News & Report


Job Openings for “Project Manager” and “Business Application SE” of IT Engineers hits record high.

Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers Ratio of June 2016 hits 1.30.

Daijob Global Recruiting Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Human Holdings Co., Ltd. headed by Mr. Yuji Shinohara, has summarized the Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio of June 2016.

※The Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio is a calculation of the supply-demand balance between job openings which require business conversation level in at least 2 languages and the number of job-seekers who are equipped with that ability (No. of Job Openings / No. of Job Seekers). A high ratio indicates that there is a high number of jobs available for a low number of job-seekers.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Occupation

By looking into the Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers ratio by occupation, “Finance/Accounting” takes first place with an increase of 1.42 points from last month with a ratio of 4.12. Next, “IT” increases by 0.44 points with a ratio of 3.68 and “Marketing/PR” decreases by 1.55 points with a high ratio of 3.25 and joins the Top 3. Regarding “IT”, the last time they have joined the Top 3 is March of 2014. Within the occupation of “IT”, the number of job openings for “Project Manager” and “Business Application SE” hits record high. We believe this result occurred because by comparing the number of job openings with the tendency to increase, the number of job-seekers tends to decrease.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Industry

By looking into the Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers ratio by industry, “Finance/Insurance” takes first place with an increase of 1.33 points with a ratio of 3.63. Next, “Manufacturing” increases by 0.40 points with a ratio of 2.58. Lastly, “Telecommunications” decreases by 0.13 points with a ratio of 2.50.
“Finance/Insurance” maintains the position on the Top 3 for 4 consecutive months with the number of job openings at 126% compared to last month. The number of job openings for “Life Insurance and Property Insurance” hits record high since April of 2015. For “Manufacturing” the numbers of job openings are at 105% compared to last month. The number of job openings for “Machinery” hits record high since April of 2015. Regarding “Telecommunications” with the number of job openings at 107% compared to last month, joins the Top 3 consecutively. For the open positions of “Software Vendor” the number of job openings hits record high since August of 2013.

Looking into the job openings of the Top 3 industries, for “Manufacturing” the open positions for “Sales” and “Office work (Distribution/Material/Purchase)” has the highest amount of job openings. For the recruitment of “IT” it has become clear that it is only about 9%.
On the other hand, for “Finance and Insurance” open positions for “Internal Systems” has the highest amount. For “Telecommunications”, the needs for “Project Manager”, “Sales”, and “Business Applications SE” increases. IT has become clear that the recruitment for the position of IT has taken at least half of the job openings.


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