Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers Ratio of May 2016

News & Report


Lack of Talents Continues. Office Work and Machinery Occupations with High Ratio

Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers Ratio of May 2016

Daijob Global Recruiting Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Human Holdings Co., Ltd. headed by Mr. Yuji Shinohara, has summarized the Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio of May 2016.

※The Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio is a calculation of the supply-demand balance between job openings which require business conversation level in at least 2 languages and the number of job-seekers who are equipped with that ability (No. of Job Openings / No. of Job Seekers). A high ratio indicates that there is a high number of jobs available for a low number of job-seekers.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Occupation


By looking into the Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers ratio by occupation, “Marketing/PR” get first place with an increase of 1.33 points with a ratio of 4.80. Next, “General Affairs/HR/Legal” decreases by 1.13 points with a ratio of 4.21. Lastly, “Medical/Pharmaceuticals/Bio/Materials/Food” decreases by 2.38 points with a ratio of 3.42. Regarding the “Medical/Pharmaceuticals/Bio/Materials/Food”, joins the Top 3 once again, however, there is a 70% decrease regarding the number of job openings. The amount of job-seekers is slightly increasing, however, the lack of talents continues on.
In addition to the Top 3 of this month, “Machinery (Automotive/Plants/Precision Equipment)” keeps the high ratio of 2.0 or above since August of 2013.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Industry


By looking into the Global Job Postings to Job-Seekers ratio by industry, “Telecommunications” takes first place with an increase of 0.34 points with a ratio of 2.63. Next, “Agriculture/Mining” increases by 0.83 points with a ratio of 2.44. Lastly, “Finance/Insurance” decreases by 0.15 points with a ratio of 2.30 points. Regarding “Manufacturing”, it did not join the TOP 3; however the high ratio over 2.0 continues on. Also, the number of job-seekers experienced in the field of electricity and electronic makers hits record high. Next, “Finance/Insurance” and “Telecommunications” continues on with their high ratio over 2.0 for the past three months. It is possible to think that the occupations of the Top 3 industries of this month are lacking talents.


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