Daijob Global Recruiting Co., Ltd. | Daijob Global Job Openings to Job-seekers Ratio

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The Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio in Jan 2015: 1.00

The occupation type "General/HR/Legal" and the industry type "Manufacturing" have had a high ratio for 8 consecutive months.

The operators of bilingual job board Daijob.com, Daijob Global Recruiting Co.,Ltd, have created a summary of the Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio for the end of January 2015. The Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio is a calculation of the supply-demand balance between job openings which require business conversation level in at least 2 languages and the number of job-seekers who are equipped with that ability (No. of Job Openings / No. of Job Seekers). A high ratio indicates that there is a high number of jobs available for a low number of job-seekers.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Occupation

Following on from the previous month, the occupation type with the highest ratio for January 2015 was "General/HR/Legal" at 4.33, despite a reduction of 2.74 points. This was followed by "Finance/Accounting" at 2.96, which also saw a reduction of 2.11 points and "Architecture/Public Works/Installation/Real Estate" at 2.86, a reduction of 0.14 points.
"General/HR/Legal" has been in the TOP 3 for a total of 8 consecutive months. In addition to a large number of job postings for HR managers and legal compliance experts, January saw 3 times more job postings for professionals that can build an HR unit from scratch. Since July 2014, the TOP 3 ratios of occupation type have never dipped below 3.00 and the difference between the lowest and highest ratios has been large. However, Janaury saw 2 of the TOP 3 dip below 3.00, indicating a closing of that gap.

◆Global Job Openings to Job-Seekers Ratio by Industry

Two industry types ("Manufacturing" and "Telecommuncations") shared the top ratio in January with a ratio of 1.64, while the "Finance/Insurance" industry took 3rd spot with a ratio of 1.17. "Manufacturing" has been in the TOP 3 for 8 consecutive months, and 12 of the subdivisions within the industry saw a rise in job postings and job-seekers. The 15 subdivisions of manufacturing are as follows:
Machinery, Semiconductor/Electrical/Electronics, Home Appliances, Fabrics, Pharmaceuticals, Precision/Measurement Tools, Food, FMCG, Transportation, Luxury Goods, Cosmetics, Medical Equipment, Computers/OA/Communication Systems, Heavy Machinery, Other.


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